Giving: Financial Support of Advent’s Ministries

We Depend on Your Generosity

In the life of any church, there are seasons of vibrancy and abundance and seasons of challenges and austerity. Over Advent’s 60 year history, it has surely endured several of these cycles. Like many churches today and especially post-COVID, we find ourselves squarely in the latter of these seasons.

While Advent is fortunate to own its building and have no mortgage, all of our operating expenses – staff, utilities, licensing, etc. – and ministry expenditures are sourced exclusively from the financial gifts of its active membership. Members are encouraged to prayerfully consider their regular contributions to Advent as we seek to improve our financial health and thereby maintain our ability to worship and serve together.

Not able to give as much as you might hope to at this time? That’s absolutely okay – your presence and engagement with us in our worship, service, and fellowship is itself a valuable treasure in the life of our church.

Ways to Give

We welcome your generous support no matter how it is received. You may, of course, give by cash or check in Sunday offerings or at the church office throughout the week. Envelopes are available for members who wish to facilitate tracking of their contributions, but these are not required.

Online Giving and Legacy Giving are two other great options to consider, discussed below:

Online Giving

Advent Lutheran offers online giving options that afford you and the church several advantages. It is convenient to set up, doesn’t require that you be physically present to give, and can be scheduled for automatic weekly or monthly offerings. This consistency that this can offer is critical for maintaining a predictable income for our budgeting. You can give online using either Vanco or Breeze — either system allows you to schedule payments and, optionally, designate funds for specific purposes:

Your online giving activity is secure and can be a one-time gift or you may set up regularly scheduled donations. Not only is it quick and easy, but often there are benefits to online giving that traditional check and cash giving don’t offer. Such benefits to giving online include:

  • Many Credit Cards now offer Airline Miles, Cash Back or other incentives to use their services for payments and donations!
  • Giving via Credit Card is one of the most secure methods of giving, as the Credit Card companies take full responsibility for online security and financial accounting of your donation.
  • Giving online allows you to meet your financial giving wishes even in times when you can’t be in church on a particular Sunday Morning or during the week.
  • Giving online is convenient! Online donations can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and are fully tax deductible when you include your name and address with your donation.
  • You don’t even have to be a member or be associated with Advent Lutheran Church to give. A way for online website viewers to give.

Legacy Gifts

Prayerfully consider the several options for planned and legacy gifts as facilitated by the ELCA Foundation. Please get in touch with the church office or Pastor Cathy if you wish to discuss this further.

Help enable our ongoing ministries and operations

We depend on your generous financial support